Our campuses

The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong Po Tin Kindergarten is a non-profit-making kindergarten which was opened by the Hong Kong Baptist Association in 2000. God’s grace is rich, not only for us to prepare a large school building, but also to give the school loyal, attentive and caring staff. The staff actively study, participate in the Education Bureau activities and different institutions sponsored by various special lectures. They also participate in workshops, visits other schools and exchanges outside Hong Kong. By doing so, the staff enhance their knowledge and skills of the education profession to benefit the young children, and prepare them for the future.

Although the school is heavy work, we still remember to look up to the Father God. Every day before students have yet to step into the kindergarten, the principal and all the staff gather together to pray, ask the Lord to lead the kindergarten and every child.

Parents are important partners of the school. Parent volunteers have become an important resource for the school through, on-campus activities. Parents also fully engaged in assistance, and therefore, bring great encouragement and recognition to the staff. I believe that under God’s guidance, the school board members, superintendents and all staff will continue to work together. By opening their hearts, to love everyone, so that the children in the body, heart, spirit and other aspects of healthy and happy growth.


The mission of running a school

In the spirit of Christ, in order to “Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it ” For their own responsibility, to serve the community, for children to lay a high-quality foundation for education.

Teaching philosophy

1. WithChrist’s love and care, I believe that every child is unique and accepts the different talents of each person and teaches according to his or her talents.

2. Createa good learning environment, cultivate inspired love, creative thinking, solve problems, know how to accept themselves and respect others.

3. Stimulate children’s interest in learning and develop a positive and autonomous learning attitude.

4. Establisha partnership of good cooperation between “home schools” to promote the healthy growth of young children.

What's News


The curriculum of the kindergarten is based on the Education Bureau’s Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines to inspire young children to explore and explore the things around them, to satisfy their desire for knowledge and to broaden their knowledge through life experience and diversified activities.


The curriculum is designed to focus on children, enhance the opportunities for interaction between teachers and students and the participation of children through group teaching. This will provide a better understanding of the development of children and individual differences.


To carry out the vision of children, arrange visits, and invite different institutions for the main activities of the school.


Free game time, outdoor learning, close to nature, scientific experiments, etc. pay attention to the perception of exploration, discovery and understanding of things around.


Provide appropriate courses for non-Chinese language students to facilitate their integration into school life.

Contact Us:Tel:2455 5378


Specialized education, with emphasis on biliteracy and trilingualism, provides a rich language learning environment.

Campus Facilities

The kindergarten has six  registered classrooms including integrated resource room, large auditorium, open-air garden and open-air activity venue etc. That is set up with a variety of physical equipment to match the size of children muscle development, so that they can learn and grow in a pleasant environment. In order to reach the moral, intellectual, physical, group, beauty, spiritual all-round development, we do believe by offering this.


Classroom Environment


Optional Activity Area


Family Corner


Clamber Area


Indoor Event Venue




Outdoor Small Garder


Garden Plantation

Outdoor Playgrourd

Outdoor Playgrourd 2

Assembly hall